Monthly Archives: January 2015

Dreadhalls is done!

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Good news! I recently completed the development of Dreadhalls! (Well, at least, the Gear VR version of it :)


This means the full game has already been submitted to Oculus for their evaluation and, assuming they don’t find any problems in it, it will be available for purchase on the Gear VR store in the near future.

Starting now, I’m focusing on porting all of the work I put into the Gear VR version back into the PC one (which I expect to be a fast process). And, since there’s still some time until the PC version can be released, this means I can also add some of the additional features that never made it into the Gear VR build, either because of lack of time, or performance requirements.

Looking back at the original demo I made for the 2013 VR Jam, I’m very happy at how the full game looks and plays now. I believe it still retains that same “feel” that people loved on the prototype, but much more expanded and upgraded. I hope you will like it too!

And speaking of the original demo, I’ve also released an update for those of you who experienced problems with it on your DK2 Rifts. You can download the latest 1.4 version from here.